Monday, 17 April 2017

What's Hacking?? How to hack FACEBOOK AND WHATS APP account? (very simple!! )

What is hacking??

Is it possible to Hack your Friend's FB Account? YES!!


First things first.

  • What is hacking?

                         Hacking is often portrayed to be many things it is not. Thanks to the popular portrayal of hackers as young immortal computer experts associated with nearly any possible illegal and immoral activity that can be conducted through a computer, we see hackers are outlaws of cyberspace, out of steal passwords, or get access to your bank account and steal money. They are portrayed as the equivalent to thieves who break into houses or rob banks or in the mildest case, peeping toms trying to get a look into your private life. Hacking is the act of remotely accessing someone's computer.

  • Password Cracked!!

                            The time needed is a key factor in cracking any password. If a lot of time is provided any impossible password can be cracked. No, that's not really the truth. It depends upon the complexity. Let's say we have a password which could be made up of the 26 letters of the alphabet and their capital counterparts, 10 digits, and 32 special characters on a standard keyboard. Therefore we have 94 characters, plus the white-space character make it 95. For a single 1-digit password we have 95 possibilities. For a simple 2-digit password, we have 95*95 i.e. 9,025 possibilities. Similarly for a 6-digit password, we have 95*95*95*95*95*95 i.e. 735,091,890,625 possibilities & so on.
     Well, look at this way; if you have a computer which is capable of testing a million passwords each second, a 6 character password could take as much as 204 hours! Now, f you have a computer 10 times more powerful, testing 10 million combinations each second, we will still need over 20 hours for a 6 character password to be cracked. Now, by increasing a single character, i.e. as we go to 7 character password, the time required will increase by 100 times! On the other hand, there are software which have some general words stored in them which are most possible passwords used throughout the world, after all most of the time passwords are some meaningful words and not any random collection of letters. They try millions per second and can crack  any password in seconds!(But the password must be a word present on the list of the software which isn't common at higher levels of security)

  • Then, how to you crack FB Passwords?

                                   There's an added disadvantage that FB won't allow you to try millions of passwords one after other. In such a situation you need social engineering skills. 

  • Step 1 - Do you have the Email ID?

Before cracking anybody's account, you need his Email ID. But if he/she isn't willing to give you his Email ID and had not mentioned anywhere in his account information, then you will have to forcibly get his Email ID. This does not mean you literally force him/her. You can use this method to get his email ID without even being noticed by him/her.

  • Step 2 - Hack the password!!
Now, we have seen that it's practically impossible to hack password on FB by simply using all possible combinations. So we are gonna do it in a different way. We'll use social engineering to hack such passwords and can be used by you all too.

Here we go,  follow the steps as shown bellow-

  1.  Forgotten password!!
                    You have obtained your friend's Email ID through the procedure shown above. Now open FB login page and enter it in the Email ID box. Then click on forgotten password, present bellow the password box. (See the picture below)

     2.  After clicking on forgotten password, This screen should appear and do as shown.

     3. After clicking on search, this screen should appear & do as shown.

      4. AND THEN,

      5. Finally, now it will ask you a security question like what's name of your first pet, town etc.
           You can easily ask these questions to your friend in a very undoubtable manner and hack his account. This is called social engineering skills. A social engineer is so professionally trained that he can gather these information from strangers without even being noticed by them.

This trick does not work on every account. The targeted account should not have updated his security i.e. must not have changed backup Email ID for years. In fact it will work on an average only on 2 accounts out of every 10 accounts. Though the possibility is low but at least we have a chance. Continuous efforts is the key to the success of this method, so keep trying.

Its just for fun and if used for a bad purpose
And if the user complains,
you will have to face the consequences.

Now Go & Hack Now!!!

Follow Me. #AdiTosh

You can even hack your friends' whatsApp account with ease in seconds without root. (very easy)
By this you will receive all of his WhatApp messages on your phone and will be able to reply to his friends as him. This should not be used for bad practises. It can be used by parents to keep an eye on there kids' social activities without kids having any idea about it or for various other reasons.

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Friday, 14 April 2017

Is light a 'wave' or a 'particle?? - A deep analysis.

Is light a 'wave' or a 'particle??

                                                     - A deep analysis.

Did you ever marvel whether light is  a 'wave' or a ' particle'? 
You must have studied science for a major part of your life. Well today we are concerned with physics. a large part of physics is covered by light. We have been studying various characteristics of light for years. Yet, we don't exactly know what light is. The reason is the world never told/taught us.
Well this the site for all such hungry for science people. Bookmark it -
We ruminate over various stuffs that others turn a blind eye on.

Don't accept the things in the way they are, instead start questioning them. For this you need to stop solving problems and start ruminating.

Is light a 'wave'?

We've studied a lot of characteristics of light which match the characteristics of a wave.
For example, we have learnt at some point of time that light is a transverse wave. A transverse wave is the one in which the individual particles of the medium move about there mean positions in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Light is a transverse wave but for light , the oscillation are not of the medium particle or their pressure or density. Well it isn't a mechanical wave like sound. More over during dispersion, scattering of light we see the wave behavior of light. In fact, Which particle will scatter light of which colour more strongly solely depends upon the wavelength of light. Since light has a wavelength, it must be a 'wave'. So this proves that light is a 'wave'. But things aren't this simple.

 Is Light a 'particle'?

Well, do you remember tyndall effect?
Lights path becomes visible through a colloidal solution where the size of the particles is relatively larger than the size of particles in a true solution. When a beam of light strikes such fine particles, the path of the beam becomes visible. The light reaches us, scattering of light by the colloidal particles is called Tyndall effect.
This phenomenon is seen when a fine beam of sunlight enters a smoke-filled room through a small hole. Thus, scattering of light makes the particles visible. You can see this in the picture above. Moreover, light is visible not only because of scattering of light but also light contains a particle which has been discovered by scientist that glow and spread light. Its because of this particle that space does not appear completely black when we see toward the direction of Sun. So, this prove that light is a 'particle'

Now, both of are proved conflict which each other, which can't be possible unless light is both a 'wave' and a 'particle'. But again things aren't that simple. The truth will astonish you. Well the truth is that light is neither a 'wave' nor a 'particle'. Was this what you were expecting?Eh...Probably not.



Then What is light??

Here is the answer-

If an opaque object on the path of light becomes very small, light has a tendency to bend around it and not walk in a straight line - an effect known as the diffraction of light. Then the straight-line treatment of optics using rays fails. o explain phenomena such as diffraction, light is thought of as a wave. Again. at the beginning of the 20th century, it became known that the wave theory of light often becomes inadequate for treatment of the interaction of light with matter, and light often behaves somewhat like a stream of particles. This confusion about the true nature of the light continued for some years till a modern quantum theory of light emerged in which light is neither a 'wave' nor a 'particle'  - the new theory reconciles the particle properties of the light with the wave nature.
Share this with as many people as you can and let's put some light on our society.

Well lets get out of light now.
Many people don't know that they can download audio & video from youtube without any software for free by just changing the URL. Believe me I am not kidding with you. There are more such tricks shown in this video. MUST WATCH. SHARE this video with as many people as you can and spread awareness.

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Thursday, 13 April 2017

How To Hack Any Wifi? (very easy)

😳😯How To Hack Any Wifi??😬😬

                 Well after ruminating over this question, I've found a way that will surprise your neighbours. Yes, today you are going to learn how to hack any wifi in a very easy method without the use of any softwares. This means that its totally free. Hacking wifi isn't that tough. One can easily hack any wifi. I am not kidding. 
                 Don't get frustrated if it does not work with you because it works on every 6 wifi out of 10. Though the probability is quite small but by using this method you aren't losing anything, so what's the harm in trying one. You might be among the lucky 6 of 10.
                 So, on a positive note have a look at this video. Try on your PC and see if it works on it. Its super awesome and worked for me.
Now, lets give your neighbours a shock by hacking there wifi.
Wish you a good luck. 😜⇓⇓⇓

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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Increase your internet speed upto 5 times using Command Prompt!!!

How To Increase Your Internet Speed By 5 Times?

Well did you know that approximately only 20% of the real potential of your internet is used to speed your experience in browsing, whereas, the rest are fragmented and split to support various activities that don't affect, support or help you in any way.

   I just ruminated over this and finally found some codes on Command Prompt (CMD) that concentrates all the potential of one's internet (has got) to enhance one's experience in browsing. 
   Well, though it can increase your internet speed by 5 times but generally it only doubles the internet speed which is no where near 5 times. Anyways its still effective, isn't it?

If you do wanna increase your internet speed and experience the maximum potential your internet has got you-
  1. May use paid softwares which are very effective.
  2. Or use simple CMD codes to enhance your experience at internet surfing, but this would be comparatively less effective. 
Now, you must be growing impatient and wanna have a look at this affordable and totally free method.

Have a look at this video. You'll enjoy it and won't even understand that you have understood everything. Yes, it is so easily explained in the video. I bet you will not have any problem understanding the codes. Its a 2 minute video which will save thousands of your minutes by increasing your internet speed. 

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How to create a video game on command prompt??

Gaming, Gaming, Gaming,

Enough!! We've played enough of games,
Let's create our own video game on CMD!!

Did you know that you can create your own games without any prerequisite knowledge on CMD.
But how on earth is that possible because we know that for a person to be able to make his own game needs to be well trained and must have a command over computer languages.

  Of course, today we are not going to make a game like shown in the figure but gonna code a quiz game.

  Its looks awesome, and can easily impress your friends. They'll be amazed when they will come to know that you yourself have coded such a wonderful game.

    Well I am gonna provide you all with all the material you need which will include the basic structure of the game as well. But in order make sense out of it one must have some experience or knowledge of some computer language. It can be any language, C++, C# or java etc.
   If you don't have such experience don't worry you can still create your game.

      We'll wright down our code in notepad and then convert it to a batch file.
If it does not make sense to you.... Pls do't worry. Just ignore

Now watch this video and make your own game. Its really simple and awesome. And will definitely be impressive. If you just need the basic code click here. 

Or Else

Click Here to watch a small video on how to create this game 

you'll be able to see the game and even understand how the game works in the video


What are you waiting for? Stop playing games, start creating games.


Really want to have fun with codes???

Visit my -

Did you just developed a new interest in CMD. Well a lot of people don't know the uses of CMD.
And also people easily get attracted towards the black screen of command prompt.
Learn how to deal with this black screen and make sense out of it.
Learn how to create matrix i.e. falling codes in CMD. Learn the basics.
This table will hopefully provide you some help.

LINK-1To Learn Basics of CMD
LINK-2To Learn Impressive Tips & Tricks of CMD
LINK-3To Create Falling Codes On CMD

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Saturday, 8 April 2017

Configure TextEdit for Coding HTML (MAC)


Configure TextEdit for Coding HTML (MAC)


If, like me, you are starting to get into HTML and web design, you may feel a bit lost when it comes to choosing an HTML editor. You may be a bit apprehensive to spend money on a coding app if you're brand new to HTML and are still getting your feet wet. Luckily, OS X comes with with a great HTML editor built in. Let's have a look at how you can set up TextEdit to be a basic HTML editor.
What is TextEdit???
Like the name suggests, TextEdit is a basic text editor that ships with your Mac as part of the bundled apps, along with Safari, the iLife Suite, and many more. While TextEdit is mainly meant to get you up and running with being able to write basic text, with just a few changes to the preferences you can turn TextEdit into a basic HTML editor, and you don't need to invest any more than you already have on your Mac.

Follow Me. :p

If you try to open an HTML file inside of TextEdit as is, you will see that TextEdit is actually rendering out the file as it would look inside a web browser. That is to say, TextEdit is reading the HTML tags for the text as well as the CSS formatting for those tags and showing you the resulting formatted page.
Rendered HTML Code in TextEdit
This is good for seeing what the page would look like, but to be able to actually work with and edit the HTML code, we need to tell TextEdit to not render the HTML tags and to show us the raw code.
Its all down there!!

If this video helped you, please give it a thumb's up on YOUTUBE.

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