What is hacking??
Is it possible to Hack your Friend's FB Account? YES!!
First things first.
- What is hacking?
Hacking is often portrayed to be many things it is not. Thanks to the popular portrayal of hackers as young immortal computer experts associated with nearly any possible illegal and immoral activity that can be conducted through a computer, we see hackers are outlaws of cyberspace, out of steal passwords, or get access to your bank account and steal money. They are portrayed as the equivalent to thieves who break into houses or rob banks or in the mildest case, peeping toms trying to get a look into your private life. Hacking is the act of remotely accessing someone's computer.
- Password Cracked!!

The time needed is a key factor in cracking any password. If a lot of time is provided any impossible password can be cracked. No, that's not really the truth. It depends upon the complexity. Let's say we have a password which could be made up of the 26 letters of the alphabet and their capital counterparts, 10 digits, and 32 special characters on a standard keyboard. Therefore we have 94 characters, plus the white-space character make it 95. For a single 1-digit password we have 95 possibilities. For a simple 2-digit password, we have 95*95 i.e. 9,025 possibilities. Similarly for a 6-digit password, we have 95*95*95*95*95*95 i.e. 735,091,890,625 possibilities & so on.
Well, look at this way; if you have a computer which is capable of testing a million passwords each second, a 6 character password could take as much as 204 hours! Now, f you have a computer 10 times more powerful, testing 10 million combinations each second, we will still need over 20 hours for a 6 character password to be cracked. Now, by increasing a single character, i.e. as we go to 7 character password, the time required will increase by 100 times! On the other hand, there are software which have some general words stored in them which are most possible passwords used throughout the world, after all most of the time passwords are some meaningful words and not any random collection of letters. They try millions per second and can crack any password in seconds!(But the password must be a word present on the list of the software which isn't common at higher levels of security)
- Then, how to you crack FB Passwords?
- Step 1 - Do you have the Email ID?
Before cracking anybody's account, you need his Email ID. But if he/she isn't willing to give you his Email ID and had not mentioned anywhere in his account information, then you will have to forcibly get his Email ID. This does not mean you literally force him/her. You can use this method to get his email ID without even being noticed by him/her.
- Password Cracked!!

The time needed is a key factor in cracking any password. If a lot of time is provided any impossible password can be cracked. No, that's not really the truth. It depends upon the complexity. Let's say we have a password which could be made up of the 26 letters of the alphabet and their capital counterparts, 10 digits, and 32 special characters on a standard keyboard. Therefore we have 94 characters, plus the white-space character make it 95. For a single 1-digit password we have 95 possibilities. For a simple 2-digit password, we have 95*95 i.e. 9,025 possibilities. Similarly for a 6-digit password, we have 95*95*95*95*95*95 i.e. 735,091,890,625 possibilities & so on.
- Then, how to you crack FB Passwords?
- Step 1 - Do you have the Email ID?
- Step 2 - Hack the password!!
Now, we have seen that it's practically impossible to hack password on FB by simply using all possible combinations. So we are gonna do it in a different way. We'll use social engineering to hack such passwords and can be used by you all too.
Here we go, follow the steps as shown bellow-
- Forgotten password!!
You have obtained your friend's Email ID through the procedure shown above. Now open FB login page and enter it in the Email ID box. Then click on forgotten password, present bellow the password box. (See the picture below)
2. After clicking on forgotten password, This screen should appear and do as shown.
3. After clicking on search, this screen should appear & do as shown.
5. Finally, now it will ask you a security question like what's name of your first pet, town etc.
You can easily ask these questions to your friend in a very undoubtable manner and hack his account. This is called social engineering skills. A social engineer is so professionally trained that he can gather these information from strangers without even being noticed by them.
This trick does not work on every account. The targeted account should not have updated his security i.e. must not have changed backup Email ID for years. In fact it will work on an average only on 2 accounts out of every 10 accounts. Though the possibility is low but at least we have a chance. Continuous efforts is the key to the success of this method, so keep trying.
Its just for fun and if used for a bad purpose
And if the user complains,
you will have to face the consequences.
Now Go & Hack Now!!!
You can even hack your friends' whatsApp account with ease in seconds without root. (very easy)