Wednesday 12 April 2017

How to create a video game on command prompt??

Gaming, Gaming, Gaming,

Enough!! We've played enough of games,
Let's create our own video game on CMD!!

Did you know that you can create your own games without any prerequisite knowledge on CMD.
But how on earth is that possible because we know that for a person to be able to make his own game needs to be well trained and must have a command over computer languages.

  Of course, today we are not going to make a game like shown in the figure but gonna code a quiz game.

  Its looks awesome, and can easily impress your friends. They'll be amazed when they will come to know that you yourself have coded such a wonderful game.

    Well I am gonna provide you all with all the material you need which will include the basic structure of the game as well. But in order make sense out of it one must have some experience or knowledge of some computer language. It can be any language, C++, C# or java etc.
   If you don't have such experience don't worry you can still create your game.

      We'll wright down our code in notepad and then convert it to a batch file.
If it does not make sense to you.... Pls do't worry. Just ignore

Now watch this video and make your own game. Its really simple and awesome. And will definitely be impressive. If you just need the basic code click here. 

Or Else

Click Here to watch a small video on how to create this game 

you'll be able to see the game and even understand how the game works in the video


What are you waiting for? Stop playing games, start creating games.


Really want to have fun with codes???

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Did you just developed a new interest in CMD. Well a lot of people don't know the uses of CMD.
And also people easily get attracted towards the black screen of command prompt.
Learn how to deal with this black screen and make sense out of it.
Learn how to create matrix i.e. falling codes in CMD. Learn the basics.
This table will hopefully provide you some help.

LINK-1To Learn Basics of CMD
LINK-2To Learn Impressive Tips & Tricks of CMD
LINK-3To Create Falling Codes On CMD

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