Wednesday 12 April 2017

Increase your internet speed upto 5 times using Command Prompt!!!

How To Increase Your Internet Speed By 5 Times?

Well did you know that approximately only 20% of the real potential of your internet is used to speed your experience in browsing, whereas, the rest are fragmented and split to support various activities that don't affect, support or help you in any way.

   I just ruminated over this and finally found some codes on Command Prompt (CMD) that concentrates all the potential of one's internet (has got) to enhance one's experience in browsing. 
   Well, though it can increase your internet speed by 5 times but generally it only doubles the internet speed which is no where near 5 times. Anyways its still effective, isn't it?

If you do wanna increase your internet speed and experience the maximum potential your internet has got you-
  1. May use paid softwares which are very effective.
  2. Or use simple CMD codes to enhance your experience at internet surfing, but this would be comparatively less effective. 
Now, you must be growing impatient and wanna have a look at this affordable and totally free method.

Have a look at this video. You'll enjoy it and won't even understand that you have understood everything. Yes, it is so easily explained in the video. I bet you will not have any problem understanding the codes. Its a 2 minute video which will save thousands of your minutes by increasing your internet speed. 

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