Saturday 8 April 2017

Configure TextEdit for Coding HTML (MAC)


Configure TextEdit for Coding HTML (MAC)


If, like me, you are starting to get into HTML and web design, you may feel a bit lost when it comes to choosing an HTML editor. You may be a bit apprehensive to spend money on a coding app if you're brand new to HTML and are still getting your feet wet. Luckily, OS X comes with with a great HTML editor built in. Let's have a look at how you can set up TextEdit to be a basic HTML editor.
What is TextEdit???
Like the name suggests, TextEdit is a basic text editor that ships with your Mac as part of the bundled apps, along with Safari, the iLife Suite, and many more. While TextEdit is mainly meant to get you up and running with being able to write basic text, with just a few changes to the preferences you can turn TextEdit into a basic HTML editor, and you don't need to invest any more than you already have on your Mac.

Follow Me. :p

If you try to open an HTML file inside of TextEdit as is, you will see that TextEdit is actually rendering out the file as it would look inside a web browser. That is to say, TextEdit is reading the HTML tags for the text as well as the CSS formatting for those tags and showing you the resulting formatted page.
Rendered HTML Code in TextEdit
This is good for seeing what the page would look like, but to be able to actually work with and edit the HTML code, we need to tell TextEdit to not render the HTML tags and to show us the raw code.
Its all down there!!

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